Monday, 7 March 2011

First shoot


On February 24th, I commenced filming at my house with two members of the band, Steve and Arthur, along with a friend, Andy, who filled in for band members who couldn't attend. The day was really productive and I got a surprising amount of filming completed.

The video only shows up to 1:54 of a 3:29 minute song, with a couple blank bits in the middle. Firstly, this is because the actors could only stay until 4 o'clock so we didn't have enough time. Secondly, because after getting up onto the roof I made the decision that it was not safe to shoot the entire video on the slanted tiles on the side of the roof, like I had planned in the storyboard/animatic.

Later I came up with the plan to have the band running along the hedge in my garden (1:48 - 1:54) I will then, for my next shoot, film the band running across a hedge at school and then film the rest of the performance on the stage in the hall and continue the video as normal, however in a different setting.

The part when Andy jumps off the roof was actually his idea, I thought it'd be a great transition into the running part again, this could have been potentially dangerous but I thought as he was willing to do it then it was worth experimenting with, plus it's not as big a jump as it looks. Also, I added in the comedy of Arthur and Steve pointing at the ladder.


One slight problem I faced with editing is because I was following my animatic to help guideline which shots to use. When I added bits in/made shots shorter/longer it put the music out of sync, so the parts when I wanted to have the band lip syncing, weren't in the same positions that they were before. Luckily, I realised this might be an issue during filming and I filmed them lip syncing in a few different places so I could fit it in somewhere.
Also, I hadn't put enough thought into length of shots in my animatic, so shots when they were running at the beginning were alot shorter but they ran quite quickly. I did play about with slowing the shots down but I didn't like the way it looked and I had enough footage to make it work.

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